When many business owners think about cyber security, their first thoughts are about investing in new software. But it's not what's on the computer so much as who's sitting in front of it that makes...
View ArticleSecurity Training a Potentially Lucrative Service for Your Small Business...
When many business owners think about cyber security, their first thoughts are about investing in new software. But it's not what's on the computer so much as who's sitting in front of it that makes...
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The Hill calls a new cyber security bill passed by the US House of Representatives a "win for industry" because many banks and security firms have been pushing for this legislation. Why is that?The...
View ArticleA Look Inside the Cyber Security Bill that Passed the House
The Hill calls a new cyber security bill passed by the US House of Representatives a "win for industry" because many banks and security firms have been pushing for this legislation. Why is that?The...
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The Wall Street Journal reports that private cyber security companies received a record amount of investments – $1.77 billion – as venture capitalists looked to get a slice this growing sector.Why the...
View ArticleMore Proof that People Want to Pay You to Keep their Data Safe
The Wall Street Journal reports that private cyber security companies received a record amount of investments – $1.77 billion – as venture capitalists looked to get a slice this growing sector.Why the...
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The Cheat Sheet reports that data breaches cost $400 billion each year, and while we often read about retail data breaches, attacks on healthcare companies are actually the most costly. In fact, the...
View ArticleHave Healthcare Clients? Time to Beef Up Your Data Security Practices
The Cheat Sheet reports that data breaches cost $400 billion each year, and while we often read about retail data breaches, attacks on healthcare companies are actually the most costly. In fact, the...
View ArticleThe Thrilling Phishing Attempt that Happened to a TechInsurance Employee Last...
With 13 percent of phishing attacks targeting financial businesses, it was no surprise when TechInsurance was targeted in an email phishing scheme last week. Spoiler alert: we didn't bite.The attack on...
View ArticleOne Thing You Can Do Today to Reduce Your Professional Liability Risk
InfoSecurity Magazine reports on the proactive approaches more IT professionals are taking when it comes to their client's data security, including setting traps for employees. Wait, what?A number of...
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Threatpost reports that Pinterest – the popular pin board social media site – released information about an old vulnerability that it fixed months ago. The flaw would have exposed user account...
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